Dental Bridges
If you want to replace missing teeth and do not want to go for a dental implant, dental brides can be a very good option. These real-looking false teeth are attached to neighbouring teeth to fill the gap between original teeth. The teeth are bridged together with the manufactured teeth merged between two crowns acting as anchors to the teeth either side of the false tooth.
Do I Need A Dental Bridge?
If you have a missing tooth and you do not want to have a dental implant we would recommend that you have a dental bridge fitter. Missing teeth can affect:
- Your bite
- Your oral health and smile
- The way you speak
- Your overall facial confidence
- The shape of your face
- Can increase the probability of developing gum disease or tooth decay as a result of the accumulated food in the gap
Types of Dental Bridges Offered
Traditional Fixed Bridge
These are the most popular kind of dental bridge that is made of two porcelain crowns anchored between neighbouring teeth or dental implants with a manufactured teeth in the middle.These dental bridges are fixed in and can’t be taken out.
Maryland Bridge or Resin Bonded Bridge
Both of these bridges are only appropriate when the teeth either side of the gap are healthy and strong or if the gap from a missing front tooth. The manufactured tooth is created by fusing plastic with metal bands bonded to neighbouring teeth with resin. The fused bands are hidden from the view of others.
Cantilever Bridges
These kinds of bridges are better for areas of lower stress such as the lower front teeth. Cantilever bridges are needed when there is only one tooth present on a side of an empty gap, the fake teeth are anchored to only one (but sometimes more) adjacent teeth on one side.
How long do dental bridges they last?
Dental Bridges can last up to 15 or 20 years with appropriate care.